8:15 AM - 9:00 AM PT
Gallery 308

Registration and Check-In

Check-in for Conference attendees. Please see our Full COVID Policy.

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM PT
Gallery 308

Opening Remarks: Meeting the Moment, Together

Speaker: Chelsea Wilkinson, President of USBIG, organizing partner of the BIG Conference.
Emcee: MADDOX Guerilla, Visionary Cultural Worker

9:30AM - 10:10 AM PT
Gallery 308

Understanding Our History

Panelists: Dr. Zea Malawa, Director of Expecting Justice; Khea Pollard, Director of Economic Mobility and Opportunity at Jewish Family Services;  Jhumpa Bhattacharya, Co-President and Founder at The Maven Collaborative.  
Facilitator: Saadia Van Winkle, Founder of The Comms Shop

10:10 AM - 10.35 PM PT
Gallery 308

Haibun: Connecting Through Creative Experience

Artist Presenter: Kevin Dublin, educator, advocate, writer of poetry, prose, scripts and code. Director of Elder Writing Project

10:35 AM - 11:00 PM PT
Gallery 308

Our Experience Informs Our Vision

Speaker: Stacey Rutland, Founder and President of Income Movement

11:10 AM - 11:35 PM PT

Gallery 308


A mindful, gentle stretch session designed to enhance flexibility, release the body of tension, quiet the mind and ground us as we .

Practitioners: We Heal Different: Breezy and Bobbi

11:35 AM - 12:00 PM PT
Gallery 308

Pilots and Research to Inform Policy: OpenResearch

Speakers: Elizabeth Rhodes, Research Director, Qualitative & Quantitative Principal Investigator at OpenResearch;  Karina Dotson, Research & Insights Manager at OpenResearch

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM PT
Gallery 308

Pilots & Community to Drive Systems Change

Speaker: Neil Howard, Reader in International Development, University of Bath

12:20PM - 2:00 PM PT

Lunch - The Store House

Opportunity to re-energize and connect and collaborate with community. Food catered by Radish.

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM PT
The Store House

Breakout 1 - Participant Centered Strategies for Sunsetting Pilots

Speakers: Maura Cuffie-Peterson, Creatives Rebuild New York; Talia Livneh, Rooted School; Maria Sierra,  Denver Basic Income Project; Deandra Rodriguez, Families and Youth Innovations Plus.

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM PT
Large Classroom

Breakout 1 - Why All GI Work is Narrative Change Work

Speakers: Jhumpa Bhattacharya, The Maven Collaborative; Saadia Van Winkle, The Comms Shop

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM PT
Small Classroom

Breakout 1 - Pilot Participant Convening

This session is by and for those participating in pilots across the country. Please, no administrators, researchers or other community members in this session.  

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM PT
Gallery 308

Breakout 1 - Community Organizing & Pilots: An International Case Study for Successful Base Building

Speakers: Neil Howard, Reader in International Development, University of Bath

2:45PM - 3:00 PM PT

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PT
Gallery 308

Breakout 2 - Strategies for Next Generation Pilots: Re-imagining Goals, Design, and Research for Scaling

Speakers: Kevin Gotkin, Creatives Rebuild New York; Alison Friedman-Phillips, The Women’s Foundation of Colorado / Cash for Coloradans Coalition; Gwen Battis, Denver Basic Income Project; Maria Sierra, Denver Basic Income Project; Maya Tellman, YouthNPower; Denice Ocana, YouthNPower; T’coy Adams, YouthNPower; Ellenie Liang, YouthNPower.

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PT
The Store House

Breakout 2 - Strategies for Narrative Change: Applying Messaging, Research, and Organizing to Different Movement Goals

Speakers: Maya Faulstich-Hon, Ideas42; Trevor Xmith, BLIS Collective; Halah Ahmad, formerly at Jain Family Institute.

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PT
Large Classroom

Breakout 2 - The Art of Ethical Storytelling: Empowerment Through Authenticity

Speakers: Rae Oglesby, UpTogether; Lynette Brown, UpTogether; Maria Jandres, UpTogether Pilot Participant.

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PT
Small Classroom

Breakout 2 - Affinity Gathering, Unstructured Conversations

This room is an open convening space for people to connect, collaborate, process previous sessions or plan coordinated efforts across coalitions or regions.

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PT
Calm Space, Classroom

Breakout 2 - Meditation / Anchoring Session

Practitioners: We Heal Different, Breezy and Bobbi

4:00 PM - 4:40 PM PT
Gallery 308

Breakout Sessions Share-out

Opportunity for speakers, registrants and / or participants to share key insights and take-aways from the afternoon breakout sessions and encourage action and next steps.

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM PT
Gallery 308

Day 1 Wrap Up

Connecting topics and efforts from Day 1 sessions to broader movement work. Set the stage for Day 2 programming.

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM CDT

Registration and Check-In

New conference attendees register for event. Link to the Full COVID Policy.

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM PT
Gallery 308

9:10 AM - 9:35 AM PT
Gallery 308

Building Political and Social Capital for City-wide Pilot: Cambridge RISE to Rise Up Cambridge

Speaker: Current Cambridge City Councillor (and former Mayor) Sumbul Siddiqui

9:40 AM - 10:10 AM PT
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Anti-GBI Legislation Update & Next Steps 

Speaker: Shafeka Hashash, Economic Security Project, Guaranteed Income Community of Practice

10:10 AM - 10:45 AM PT
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Policy Rooted in Grassroots Advocacy: Oregon Ballot Measure

Speaker: Antonio Gisbert, Oregon Rebate
Facilitator: MADDOX Guerilla

10:45 AM - 11 AM PT

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM PT
Gallery 308

Breakout 1 - Doing the Work: Social & Political Capital Building for Regional or State Policy

Speakers: Julia Ford, Aidkit; Tegan Lecheler, The Bridge Project; Kathy White, Colorado Fiscal Institute

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM PT
The Store House

Breakout 1 -  Public Funding Opportunities for Pilots and Permanent Policy for Youth and Families

Speakers: Khea Pollard, Jewish Family Services; Sarah Berger Gonzalez, Chapin Hall at University of Chicago; Yuan He, MD, MPH, Philadelphia Department of Public Health; Nicole Denson-Sogbaka, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Facilitator: Julia Davis, Children's Defense Fund - New York

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM PT
Large Classroom

Breakout 1 - New Funding Streams: Cannabis Tax, Corporate Tax, Cash for Housing Vouchers and Carbon & Natural Resource Dividends

Speakers: Rachel Pyon, Equity and Transformation; Antonio Gisbert, Oregon Rebate; Nika Soon-Shiong, F4GI; Ysenia Bonilla, F4GI; Michael Howard, USBIG and Main Basic Income Security Committee; Peter Barnes, Author; Mike Sandler, Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability.

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM PT
Small Classroom

Breakout 1 - New Funding Streams: Modern Monetary Theory

Speakers: Karl Widerquist, Georgetown University - Qatar; Scott Santens, Income to Support All Foundation; Alex Howlett, The Greshm Institute

11:45 AM - 1:30 PM PT

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
Gallery 308

Breakout 2 - You Are Enough: Year One of The NEST

Speakers: Camie Jae Goldhammer, Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services; Tia Yazzie, MSW, The Nest; Såhi Velasco, Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
The Store House

Breakout 2 - New Pilots: Best Practices, New Opportunities, and Community Centered Design Approaches

Speakers: Josh Cogan, A Way Home; Sofie Fashana, Point Source Youth and Next100; Elijah Wood, UpTogether; Troy Roberts, Expecting Justice; Itzel Estrada, MyPath; Rachel Resnick, NCJWLA; Claudia Villicaña, MyPath; MacKenzie Fair, Impact Charitable; Jenna Gaarde, Abundant Birth Project; Raionna Thompson, Trust Youth Initiative; Claire Bohmann, Give Directly

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
Large Classroom

Breakout 2 - Economic Shocks and Disaster Relief: Building Infrastructure and Political Support for GBI

Speakers: Marlen Guerrero, Impact Charitable; Abigail Lawson, Steady; Lexi Gervis, Steady

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
Small Classroom

Breakout 2 - Affinity Gathering, Unstructured Conversations

This room is an open convening space for people to connect, collaborate, process previous sessions or plan coordinated efforts across coalitions or regions.

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
Calm Space Classroom

Breakout 2 - Meditation / Anchoring Session

Practitioners: We Heal Different, Breezy and Bobbi

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PT
Gallery 308

Closing Remarks

Speakers: MADDOX Guerilla, Stacey Rutland

4:30 PM - 7:00 PM PT
Gallery 308

Reception: San Francisco Brewing Company

An opportunity to connect and continue conversations from the conference.

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM PDT

Registration and Check-In

Check-in for Conference attendees joining us for the in-person events in Portland. Attendees will be asked to complete a COVID rapid test and Health Questionnaire prior to gaining entry into the event. Link to the Full COVID Policy.

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM PDT

The distributional impacts of universal basic income policies

UBI policies inevitably transform the distribution of income and wealth. These talks discuss how various policy designs can affect inequality and other distributional outcomes. [Livestream]
Speakers: Nikhil Woodruff, Aleida Baumgartner, Almaz Zelleke

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM PDT

The Health and Mental Health Case for Basic Income: Stories from the Front Line and the Academy

This session includes two papers of 15 minutes each on basic income as a means to prevent health and mental health problems and to improve health and mental health status. In addition there will be 15 minutes for questions and discussion. [Recorded]
Speakers: Sid Frankel, Leslie Kausch, Sarah "Faye" Doney

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

PLENARY: The Great Reshuffling: Pandemic Impacts on the Re-visioning of Work and Labor

The pandemic created an unprecedented disruption that shook the labor force across the country. With millions of Americans making important career shifts, and a societal challenging and redefining of "work" - we are experiencing a Great Reshuffling in our labor market. In this roundtable discussion, we’ll explore what unique challenges workers are facing and how basic income can support this shift in building a dignity economy. [Livestream]
Speakers: Madeline Neighly, Leslie Kausch, Emily Squadra, Adam Roseman

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT


Explore Portland's food carts and restaurants. Eat out, or bring it back to Leftbank.

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM PDT

Film, Stories and Shifting Culture: Basic Income Filmmaker Forum

Join this exciting conversation with filmmakers who have tackled basic income through a variety of lenses and approaches and hear more about the process of getting their films made, their hopes and goals for their films as agents for change, and the next steps for their films. Filmmakers include: Chris Panizzon, producer of Inherent Good, Conrad Shaw, producer of Bootstraps, and Hazel Gurland-Pooler, director of Storming Caesars Palace. [Livestream]
Speakers: Chris Panizzon, Conrad Shaw, Hazel Gurland-Pooler

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM PDT

In-Kind Benefits vs. Direct Cash

Panelists compare the relative impact and efficiencies of two in-kind benefits as compared to direct cash grants, then reflect on the potential consequences - both positive and negative - of these two forms of public assistance. [Recorded]
Speakers: Tola Ouk, Tracy Smith-Carrier, Emma Smith Carrier

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM PDT

Exploring the Macroeconomic Effects of a Basic Income

What are the broader impacts of a national basic income on our economic system? Join leading analysts and advocates as they discuss macroeconomic effects. [Livestream]
Speakers: Scott Santens, Joshua Zane Miller, Max Ghenis

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM PDT

Oregon People’s Rebate: A Deep Dive into Ballot Measure Work

Having basic income policy gain traction at the state level is a critical step towards broad federal legislation. State work can come from elected officials and move through the state legislature, or, in the case of more than 20 states, it can come from the people, in the form of a ballot measure. In Oregon, the Oregon People’s Rebate is the first ballot measure for statewide direct cash policy. Hear more about this groundbreaking initiative, and how other states can take a similar approach. [Recorded]
Speakers: Antonio Gisbert, Anthony Johnson

4:00 PM - 6:00 PDT

PLENARY: Intersectionality of Movements: Basic Income as a Tool for Justice and Closing Remarks

Housing and disability rights. Racial, gender and LGBTQIA justice. The fight for everyone in our community to have their basic rights protected and basic needs covered includes an economic component. The dignity and flexibility of direct cash means basic income can be part of the economic solution to support all of these efforts. In this session, we will talk with leaders working across a wide range of justice work and learn why they have taken up direct cash as part of their programmatic work. This conversation can inspire new opportunities to grow the direct cash movement through intersectional partnerships. [Livestream]
Speakers: Mellani Calvin, Allison Teng, Raven Drake, Andrew Hogan, Ebonee Bell